A prostitute is like a ... hotel. Accepts everyone ... for a certain paid price ... but we can't really see the meaning of all ...  by romanian author Adrian Dumitru  





Whenever i speak about prostitutes ... i see everyone judging those silly women ... doing what they are doing ... but never say anything about the idiots ... which are visiting them.

Today ... i analyse and judge a little bit more those men.

And i ask myself ... why the hell they take the decision to connect with the lost souls of the prostitutes?!

How they can be so, so silly ... believing that paying a certain price ... for physical pleasure ... they will really connect to beautifully vibes?!

But in fact ... i am more interested about the dynamic of such a connection between the man and the prostitute ... but also the impact of such energies in the lives of those men.

I also dare to ask myself ... how a man can really manage having in his life a woman which looks like a normal person ... but have the behaviour of a ... prostitute.

I mean a woman ... accessible to anyone ... for a certain paid price.

And ... when i say price .... I am having in mind also the


exchange of energies.

Today ... i see all those women like a hotel, knowing that for a certain paid price ... any man is welcomed.

The comparison itself looks offending .... but again ... I repeat myself saying that the truth is that it's not all a story about money ... like with the prostitutes.

... cause there are one million ways in how we could pay a price ... for having a woman ... with a behaviour of a person working in a brothel.

Some women want ... expensive presents ... and not only from one man.

Some want ... attention from all the men from the scene of their lives.

Some want to be adored ... like princesses or queens.

Etc etc.

Unfortunately... the men ... in connection with such a woman is not realising the impact of the exchange of energies.

They get the sexual energy they wanted so, so much ... but on the other hand are ruining their connection with the real self, becoming the prisoners of an illusory reality.

Today .... I see prostitution everywhere, practiced by both men and women in all sorts of form.

But .... I dare to ask all those people ... do we really see the full picture?!

Most probably ... not.

And ... we continue acting unconsciously on the stage of life.

... like idiots.



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