Connecting .... disconnecting ... re-connecting... disconnecting .... such a weird emotional balance  … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru





Everyone speaks about connection.

... or connections.

But we don't speak so, so much about the process of disconnecting.

Its importance.

And ... also the fact that it happens so, so often ...

In fact ... we just ignore all.

Even .... if we actually practice disconnection in continuous form.

For many .... by so many years in a row.

Today ... i see the process of disconnection from my life ... as normality.

Even ... if sometimes I dislike it.

And ... still .... I see myself connecting, disconnecting ... reconnecting.

Doing that on and on and on.

Most certainly ... i suffer of a weird emotional balance ... doing it all the time ... but it's the way things are into my life.

... by such a long, long time.


But ... you know what?!

I've started to like disconnecting from everything and everyone.

I really do.

Do it ... randomly.

Of course ... without any logic.

And even if it really looks like a nonsense ... I continue doing it.

All the time.

It's a style which defines me.

Somehow .... I accept the emotional balance .... being and not being connected.

... to things which i like.

But unfortunately ... to things which i dislike also.

I ask myself ... why am i doing it?!

Why i practice such a nonsense?!

Why i can't remain connected?!

Maybe ... in fact ... all this emotional balance .... is the reflection of my desire of disconnecting from the external world ... and stay from time to time ... just in the company of my soul?!

So ....

Well ... i trend to believe so.

And ... I keep connecting to the world ... then realise I don't like it ... so i disconnect and come back into my soul ... then try again ...

Is like ... i move into the circle ... but i continue living into both worlds.

... preferring more and more ... the world from inside of me.


For myself ... that is really the trend.

I am not ... ashamed of the emotional balance between such contradictory emotions.

I am even happy it happens.

Somehow knowing that one day ... I'll succeed it ... disconnecting from everything and everyone ... simply enjoying solitude.

So ... even if my perceptions are so weird and contradictory ... it is all part of life.

At least... of my life.

I've started to accept all ... as it happens ... and continue my life.

... the way it is.

I can only conclude that ... disconnection is actually ... one of the keys for an amazing life ... a great trick ... which we all ignore ... but might change our lives.

100% ... into better ...




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